Sunday, March 4, 2007

Me, myself and Koffers

Well hello, and welcome to my blog!

My name is Andy Kaufman (Andrew to my mother)...and yes this IS my real name - I am of no relation to the OTHER Andy Kaufman of "Taxi" and "Man On The Moon" fame. A lot of my friends, however, call me Koffers, hence the title of this (hopefully) most enthralling of blogs.

Anyway, the reasons for my writing this blog are twofold: a) I want to be a journalist and I figure this is probably the best means of creating an easily viewed portfolio and b)I need an outlet for my frustrated creativity, and this should go some way to appeasing my frustration.

So from now on, I shall be posting all kinds of items - some film and music reviews, and any articles that I feel like writing about life in general. Please read through my articles at your leisure and tell me what you think about it.

Yours truly

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